


rubyのEnumerableモジュールには様々な便利メソッドがありますが、今回はそれを活用して、SQLで出来る操作でrubyならこんな感じかなというやり方をまとめていきます。 特に公式ではただのArrayでのみの簡潔な解説となってますが、以下のデータではArray内Hashでの操作をメインとして説明していきます。



  • students
id name birthday grader class_name height
1 大宮忍 6/6 2 2-A 155
2 アリス・カータレット 4/5 2 2-C 139
3 小路綾 2 9/15 2-A 159
4 猪熊陽子 2 8/20 2-C 163
5 九条カレン 2 12/1 2-A 150
  • test_score_lists
id student_id subject score
1 1 英語 6
2 1 数学 36
3 1 理科 42
4 1 社会 61
5 1 国語 68
6 2 英語 98
7 2 数学 89
8 2 理科 79
9 2 社会 91
10 2 国語 82
11 3 英語 88
12 3 数学 92
13 3 理科 86
14 3 社会 71
15 3 国語 89
16 4 英語 34
17 4 数学 38
18 4 理科 39
19 4 社会 54
20 4 国語 58
21 5 英語 92
22 5 数学 31
23 5 理科 32
24 5 社会 44
25 5 国語 61


students = [
  { id: 1, name: '大宮 忍', birthday: '6/6', grader: 2, class_name: '2-A', height: 155 },
  { id: 2, name: 'アリス・カータレット', birthday: '4/5', grader: 2, class_name: '2-C', height: 139 },
  { id: 3, name: '小路 綾', grader: 2, birthday: '9/15', class_name: '2-A', height: 159 },
  { id: 4, name: '猪熊 陽子', grader: 2, birthday: '8/20', class_name: '2-C', height: 163 },
  { id: 5, name: '九条 カレン', grader: 2, birthday: '12/1', class_name: '2-A', height: 150 }

test_score_lists = [
  { id: 1,  student_id: 1, subject: '英語', score: 6 },
  { id: 2,  student_id: 1, subject: '数学', score: 36 },
  { id: 3,  student_id: 1, subject: '理科', score: 42 },
  { id: 4,  student_id: 1, subject: '社会', score: 61 },
  { id: 5,  student_id: 1, subject: '国語', score: 68 },
  { id: 6,  student_id: 2, subject: '英語', score: 98 },
  { id: 7,  student_id: 2, subject: '数学', score: 89 },
  { id: 8,  student_id: 2, subject: '理科', score: 79 },
  { id: 9,  student_id: 2, subject: '社会', score: 91 },
  { id: 10, student_id: 2, subject: '国語', score: 82 },
  { id: 11, student_id: 3, subject: '英語', score: 88 },
  { id: 12, student_id: 3, subject: '数学', score: 92 },
  { id: 13, student_id: 3, subject: '理科', score: 86 },
  { id: 14, student_id: 3, subject: '社会', score: 71 },
  { id: 15, student_id: 3, subject: '国語', score: 89 },
  { id: 16, student_id: 4, subject: '英語', score: 34 },
  { id: 17, student_id: 4, subject: '数学', score: 38 },
  { id: 18, student_id: 4, subject: '理科', score: 39 },
  { id: 19, student_id: 4, subject: '社会', score: 54 },
  { id: 20, student_id: 4, subject: '国語', score: 58 },
  { id: 21, student_id: 5, subject: '英語', score: 92 },
  { id: 22, student_id: 5, subject: '数学', score: 31 },
  { id: 23, student_id: 5, subject: '理科', score: 32 },
  { id: 24, student_id: 5, subject: '社会', score: 44 },
  { id: 25, student_id: 5, subject: '国語', score: 61 }



  • 誕生日が6/6の生徒を一人抽出
SELECT id, name, birthday, grader, class_name, height FROM students WHERE birthday = '6/6' LIMIT 1;
students.find { |student| student[:birthday] == '6/6' }
=> {:id=>1, :name=>"大宮 忍", :birthday=>"6/6", :grader=>2, :class_name=>"2-A", :height=>155}


  • 身長が150cm以上 160cm未満の生徒を抽出

  • sql

SELECT id, name, birthday, grader, class_name, height FROM students WHERE height >= 150 AND height < 160;
students.select { |student| student[:height] >= 150 && student[:height] < 160 }
=> [{:id=>1, :name=>"大宮 忍", :birthday=>"6/6", :grader=>2, :class_name=>"2-A", :height=>155},
 {:id=>3, :name=>"小路 綾", :grader=>2, :birthday=>"9/15", :class_name=>"2-A", :height=>159},
 {:id=>5, :name=>"九条 カレン", :grader=>2, :birthday=>"12/1", :class_name=>"2-A", :height=>150}]


  • アリスのテスト結果

  • sql

SELECT test.id, test.student_id, test.subject, test.score FROM test_score_lists test
LEFT OUTER JOIN students student ON student.id = test.student_id
WHERE student.name = 'アリス・カータレット' ;


test_score_lists.select { |test| test[:student_id] == students.find { |student| student[:name] == 'アリス・カータレット' }[:id] }
=> [{:id=>6, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"英語", :score=>98},
 {:id=>7, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"数学", :score=>89},
 {:id=>8, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"理科", :score=>79},
 {:id=>9, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"社会", :score=>91},
 {:id=>10, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"国語", :score=>82}]
  • 全生徒のテスト結果

  • sql

SELECT test.id, test.student_id, test.subject, test.score, stundent.name student_name, student.class_name FROM test_score_lists test
LEFT OUTER JOIN students student ON student.id = test.student_id
find_students = lambda { |student_id| students.find { |student| student[:id] == student_id } }
students_test_score_lists = test_score_lists.map { |test| test.merge(student_name: find_students.call(test[:student_id])[:name], class_name: find_students.call(test[:student_id])[:class_name]) }
=> [{:id=>1, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"英語", :score=>6, :student_name=>"大宮 忍", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>2, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"数学", :score=>36, :student_name=>"大宮 忍", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>3, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"理科", :score=>42, :student_name=>"大宮 忍", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>4, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"社会", :score=>61, :student_name=>"大宮 忍", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>5, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"国語", :score=>68, :student_name=>"大宮 忍", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>6, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"英語", :score=>98, :student_name=>"アリス・カータレット", :class_name=>"2-C"},
 {:id=>7, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"数学", :score=>89, :student_name=>"アリス・カータレット", :class_name=>"2-C"},
 {:id=>8, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"理科", :score=>79, :student_name=>"アリス・カータレット", :class_name=>"2-C"},
 {:id=>9, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"社会", :score=>91, :student_name=>"アリス・カータレット", :class_name=>"2-C"},
 {:id=>10, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"国語", :score=>82, :student_name=>"アリス・カータレット", :class_name=>"2-C"},
 {:id=>11, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"英語", :score=>88, :student_name=>"小路 綾", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>12, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"数学", :score=>92, :student_name=>"小路 綾", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>13, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"理科", :score=>86, :student_name=>"小路 綾", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>14, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"社会", :score=>71, :student_name=>"小路 綾", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>15, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"国語", :score=>89, :student_name=>"小路 綾", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>16, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"英語", :score=>34, :student_name=>"猪熊 陽子", :class_name=>"2-C"},
 {:id=>17, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"数学", :score=>38, :student_name=>"猪熊 陽子", :class_name=>"2-C"},
 {:id=>18, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"理科", :score=>39, :student_name=>"猪熊 陽子", :class_name=>"2-C"},
 {:id=>19, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"社会", :score=>54, :student_name=>"猪熊 陽子", :class_name=>"2-C"},
 {:id=>20, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"国語", :score=>58, :student_name=>"猪熊 陽子", :class_name=>"2-C"},
 {:id=>21, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"英語", :score=>92, :student_name=>"九条 カレン", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>22, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"数学", :score=>31, :student_name=>"九条 カレン", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>23, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"理科", :score=>32, :student_name=>"九条 カレン", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>24, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"社会", :score=>44, :student_name=>"九条 カレン", :class_name=>"2-A"},
 {:id=>25, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"国語", :score=>61, :student_name=>"九条 カレン", :class_name=>"2-A"}]



  • 英語の合計点

  • sql

SELECT SUM(score) FROM test_score_lists WHERE subject = '英語';
test_score_lists.select { |test| test[:subject] == '英語' }.reduce(0) { |sum, test| sum + test[:score] }
=> 318
  • 数学の平均点(5人を全生徒とした場合)

  • sql

SELECT AVG(score) FROM test_score_lists WHERE subject = '数学';
test_score_lists.select { |test| test[:subject] == '数学' }.reduce(0) { |sum, test| sum + test[:score] } / students.size
=> 57
  • 理科の最高得点

  • sql

SELECT MAX(score) FROM test_score_lists WHERE subject = '理科';
test_score_lists.select { |test| test[:subject] == '理科' }.max { |a, b| a[:score] <=> b[:score]  }[:score]
=> 86

test_score_lists.select { |test| test[:subject] == '理科' }.map { |test| test[:score] }.max
=> 86
test_score_lists.select { |test| test[:subject] == '数学' }.reduce(0) { |sum, test| sum + test[:score] } / students.size
=> 57
  • 2-Aの英語の平均

  • sql

SELECT AVG(test.score) FROM test_score_lists test
LEFT OUTER JOIN students student ON student.id = test.student_id
WHERE test.subject = '英語' AND student.class_name = '2-A';
students_test_score_lists.select { |test| test[:class_name] == '2-A' && test[:subject] == '英語' }.tap { |this| break this.reduce(0) { |sum, test| sum + test[:score] } / this.size }
=> 62
  • 2-Aの英語が最低だった人

  • ruby

students_test_score_lists.select { |test| test[:class_name] == '2-A' && test[:subject] == '英語' }.min { |a, b| a[:score] <=> b[:score] }[:student_name]
=> "大宮 忍"



  • クラス別に生徒を抽出
students.group_by { |student| student[:class_name] }
=> {"2-A"=>
  [{:id=>1, :name=>"大宮 忍", :birthday=>"6/6", :grader=>2, :class_name=>"2-A", :height=>155},
   {:id=>3, :name=>"小路 綾", :grader=>2, :birthday=>"9/15", :class_name=>"2-A", :height=>159},
   {:id=>5, :name=>"九条 カレン", :grader=>2, :birthday=>"12/1", :class_name=>"2-A", :height=>150}],
  [{:id=>2, :name=>"アリス・カータレット", :birthday=>"4/5", :grader=>2, :class_name=>"2-C", :height=>139},
   {:id=>4, :name=>"猪熊 陽子", :grader=>2, :birthday=>"8/20", :class_name=>"2-C", :height=>163}]}
  • 各クラスの科目別平均点
Hash[students_test_score_lists.group_by { |test| test[:class_name] + test[:subject] }.map { |k, v| [ k , v.tap { |this| break this.reduce(0) { |sum, row| row[:score] }/ this.size } ] }]
=> {"2-A英語"=>30, "2-A数学"=>10, "2-A理科"=>10, "2-A社会"=>14, "2-A国語"=>20, "2-C英語"=>17, "2-C数学"=>19, "2-C理科"=>19 , "2-C社会"=>27, "2-C国語"=>29}



Hash[students_test_score_lists.group_by { |test| test[:class_name] + test[:subject] }.map { |k, v| [k, v.sort { |a, b| b[:score] <=> a[:score] } ] }]
=> {"2-A英語"=>
  [{:id=>21, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"英語", :score=>92, :student_name=>"九条 カレン", :class_name=>"2-A"},
   {:id=>11, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"英語", :score=>88, :student_name=>"小路 綾", :class_name=>"2-A"},
   {:id=>1, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"英語", :score=>6, :student_name=>"大宮 忍", :class_name=>"2-A"}],
  [{:id=>12, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"数学", :score=>92, :student_name=>"小路 綾", :class_name=>"2-A"},
   {:id=>2, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"数学", :score=>36, :student_name=>"大宮 忍", :class_name=>"2-A"},
   {:id=>22, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"数学", :score=>31, :student_name=>"九条 カレン", :class_name=>"2-A"}],
  [{:id=>13, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"理科", :score=>86, :student_name=>"小路 綾", :class_name=>"2-A"},
   {:id=>3, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"理科", :score=>42, :student_name=>"大宮 忍", :class_name=>"2-A"},
   {:id=>23, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"理科", :score=>32, :student_name=>"九条 カレン", :class_name=>"2-A"}],
  [{:id=>14, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"社会", :score=>71, :student_name=>"小路 綾", :class_name=>"2-A"},
   {:id=>4, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"社会", :score=>61, :student_name=>"大宮 忍", :class_name=>"2-A"},
   {:id=>24, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"社会", :score=>44, :student_name=>"九条 カレン", :class_name=>"2-A"}],
  [{:id=>15, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"国語", :score=>89, :student_name=>"小路 綾", :class_name=>"2-A"},
   {:id=>5, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"国語", :score=>68, :student_name=>"大宮 忍", :class_name=>"2-A"},
   {:id=>25, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"国語", :score=>61, :student_name=>"九条 カレン", :class_name=>"2-A"}],
  [{:id=>6, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"英語", :score=>98, :student_name=>"アリス・カータレット", :class_name=>"2-C"},
   {:id=>16, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"英語", :score=>34, :student_name=>"猪熊 陽子", :class_name=>"2-C"}],
  [{:id=>7, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"数学", :score=>89, :student_name=>"アリス・カータレット", :class_name=>"2-C"},
   {:id=>17, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"数学", :score=>38, :student_name=>"猪熊 陽子", :class_name=>"2-C"}],
  [{:id=>8, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"理科", :score=>79, :student_name=>"アリス・カータレット", :class_name=>"2-C"},
   {:id=>18, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"理科", :score=>39, :student_name=>"猪熊 陽子", :class_name=>"2-C"}],
  [{:id=>9, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"社会", :score=>91, :student_name=>"アリス・カータレット", :class_name=>"2-C"},
   {:id=>19, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"社会", :score=>54, :student_name=>"猪熊 陽子", :class_name=>"2-C"}],
  [{:id=>10, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"国語", :score=>82, :student_name=>"アリス・カータレット", :class_name=>"2-C"},
   {:id=>20, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"国語", :score=>58, :student_name=>"猪熊 陽子", :class_name=>"2-C"}]}



DELETE FROM test_score_lists WHERE id = 1;
test_score_lists.reject { |test| test[:id] == 1 }
=> [{:id=>2, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"数学", :score=>36},
 {:id=>3, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"理科", :score=>42},
 {:id=>4, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"社会", :score=>61},
 {:id=>5, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"国語", :score=>68},
 {:id=>6, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"英語", :score=>98},
 {:id=>7, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"数学", :score=>89},
 {:id=>8, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"理科", :score=>79},
 {:id=>9, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"社会", :score=>91},
 {:id=>10, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"国語", :score=>82},
 {:id=>11, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"英語", :score=>88},
 {:id=>12, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"数学", :score=>92},
 {:id=>13, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"理科", :score=>86},
 {:id=>14, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"社会", :score=>71},
 {:id=>15, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"国語", :score=>89},
 {:id=>16, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"英語", :score=>34},
 {:id=>17, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"数学", :score=>38},
 {:id=>18, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"理科", :score=>39},
 {:id=>19, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"社会", :score=>54},
 {:id=>20, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"国語", :score=>58},
 {:id=>21, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"英語", :score=>92},
 {:id=>22, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"数学", :score=>31},
 {:id=>23, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"理科", :score=>32},
 {:id=>24, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"社会", :score=>44},
 {:id=>25, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"国語", :score=>61}]


UPDATE test_score_lists SET score = 100 WHERE id = 1;
test_score_lists.map! { |test| test[:id] == 1 ? test[:score] = 100 : test[:score]; test }
=> [{:id=>1, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"英語", :score=>100},
 {:id=>2, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"数学", :score=>36},
 {:id=>3, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"理科", :score=>42},
 {:id=>4, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"社会", :score=>61},
 {:id=>5, :student_id=>1, :subject=>"国語", :score=>68},
 {:id=>6, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"英語", :score=>98},
 {:id=>7, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"数学", :score=>89},
 {:id=>8, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"理科", :score=>79},
 {:id=>9, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"社会", :score=>91},
 {:id=>10, :student_id=>2, :subject=>"国語", :score=>82},
 {:id=>11, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"英語", :score=>88},
 {:id=>12, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"数学", :score=>92},
 {:id=>13, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"理科", :score=>86},
 {:id=>14, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"社会", :score=>71},
 {:id=>15, :student_id=>3, :subject=>"国語", :score=>89},
 {:id=>16, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"英語", :score=>34},
 {:id=>17, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"数学", :score=>38},
 {:id=>18, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"理科", :score=>39},
 {:id=>19, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"社会", :score=>54},
 {:id=>20, :student_id=>4, :subject=>"国語", :score=>58},
 {:id=>21, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"英語", :score=>92},
 {:id=>22, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"数学", :score=>31},
 {:id=>23, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"理科", :score=>32},
 {:id=>24, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"社会", :score=>44},
 {:id=>25, :student_id=>5, :subject=>"国語", :score=>61}]


INSERT INTO students (id, name, class_name, height)
VALUES (6, '松原 穂乃花', '2-A', 157);
students << { id: 6, name: '松原 穂乃花', class_name: '2-A', height: 157 }
=> [{:id=>1, :name=>"大宮 忍", :birthday=>"6/6", :grader=>2, :class_name=>"2-A", :height=>155},
 {:id=>2, :name=>"アリス・カータレット", :birthday=>"4/5", :grader=>2, :class_name=>"2-C", :height=>139},
 {:id=>3, :name=>"小路 綾", :grader=>2, :birthday=>"9/15", :class_name=>"2-A", :height=>159},
 {:id=>4, :name=>"猪熊 陽子", :grader=>2, :birthday=>"8/20", :class_name=>"2-C", :height=>163},
 {:id=>5, :name=>"九条 カレン", :grader=>2, :birthday=>"12/1", :class_name=>"2-A", :height=>150},
 {:id=>6, :name=>"松原 穂乃花", :class_name=>"2-A", :height=>157}]


メソッドは全てeach を用いて定義されているので、インクルード するクラスには each が定義されていなければなりません。